
We offer complete Unclaimed Property Services to title agents nationwide!

Unclaimed Property, in the form of an outdated uncashed check, left in your escrow accounts can create costly problems. If not appropriately managed, these outdated checks will raise flags with auditors and expose you to potential fines and penalties from state governments. CATIC’S UCPEXPRESS will manage the complete escheating process to properly address your unclaimed property– from the initial due diligence right through to the final reporting with the applicable state agency.

Questions? Contact Steve McAdams at (860) 513-3105 or smcadams@catic.com.


  • Processing and reporting in all 50 states
  • Performs all necessary due diligence
  • Prepares the appropriate state reports, both Preliminary and Final
  • Electronic filing in 38 states
  • Retains due diligence documents should an auditor request such


  • Assures that you remain compliant with all state unclaimed property rules, regulations and deadlines
  • Easier and more cost effective than handling this work in-house
  • Keeps you and your accounts in compliance with third-party and state auditors

Right where you need us

With offices throughout the United States, our local knowledge of the community means we're on the ground and ready to help.

Our sister company, CATIC Title Insurance Company, is licensed in New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania.

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